"FULL PACKERS DON'T ASK WHY, THEY JUST KEEP ON HIKING HIGH" - - - - - - (Words and Music by Rocketman) Full Packer Founding Date -- Saturday, August 26, 1989/Date of "HermAid"

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Jambo and Earth Mother impersonate (with their heads) two testicles hanging from groin of Olympics 2010 Man

FULLPACKERS TRIUMPHANTLY RETURN FROM RECORDSETTING ADVENTURE VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Jambo H. Scout (FPI) Two members of the world renowned Fullpacker Organization have just returned from a recordsetting mission in the Pacific Northwest province of British Columbia.
Jambo, Charter Member and spouse, Earth Mother of the Ladies Auxiliary set three new milestones--the first mission outside the United States,the highest vertical ascent and the fastest ascent and descent to base camp. Attacking the imposing Whistler Mountain from a base elevation of 2,100', they reached the summit of 7,150', a 5,050
vertical climb and returned to base camp in less than 3 hours. This was accomplished without getting colt or scaret, despite the presence of snow. Not content with this performance, the duo returned to the mountain two days later in a valiant attempt to break this record. Unfortunately, a side trip from the summit extended the descent duration, so the original record still stands. The pair employed the novel "ultralight" technique which requires climbing without a pack and only minimal clothing.
The local native peoples have a name for it -- "gaw-n'-doe-'la." Loosely translated, it means "as the raven travels." Upon returning to their Fabius farm, the victorious couple were warmly greeted by a sleepy Jambolina and their feline family of three, anxiously awaiting further details of this remarkable achievement.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

(This dispatch was receaved from Jambo earlier today.)
"WHISTLER,BRITISH COLUMBIA,CANADA Jambo and Earth Mother have just completed a 6,000+ foot ascent of Whistler Mountain in record time. Adopting the novel "ultralight" technique--no backpack or clothing,the mission was completed in approximately 3 hours. The descent, despite the hazards, was accomplished without the benefit of headlamps or cold weather gear.Neither party reported being coldt. Rturn to base camp was achieved at 21:30."

Friday, September 08, 2006

FULL PACKER DATELINE NEWS RELEASE – 9/8/06 – 4:22am: "After careful thought and consideration I would like to apologize to the subscribers of The Full Packer Report. It has come to my attention that there may have been a few recent misquotes and hurtful things reported in this publication. I would like to state once again for the record that the Full Packer Report should be used as a source of communication and not a tool for made up facts and outlandish accounts regarding these “gallant men”. Those responsible for this volition of trust have been dealt with. The two postings in question have been removed. Again I apologize." - Capitanious

Thursday, September 07, 2006

FULL PACKER DATELINE NEWS RELEASE – 9/07/06 – 10:33am: There have been comments and concerns regarding the availability of tenting sites leading up to Mt. Adams. I emailed RMC (Randolph Mountain Club) and received the following e-mail:

“RMC only offers tenting at one of our sites- The Perch - where there are 4 large tent platforms. The AMC also has a tenting site on the Valley way about 1 mile below Madison Hut. weekadays are not typically to busy at the sites- but can be at times ( last night the Perch was at full capacity with 18 people there). It is of course illegal to camp anywhere above treeline in the area, but down below treelineyou can camp anywhere as long as you are at least 200 feet from trails, water sources etc...Problem is the terrain is not very conducive to camping in the northern Presidentials”


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

FULL PACKER DATELINE NEWS RELEASE – 9/05/06 – 2:28am: With reminiscent flavors of HermAid 1989, a few of the Full Packers donated their time and talents to another worthwhile cause. Full Packer Founder; better know as Capitanious and trusted trail guide Jambo spent a sunny late summer afternoon (August 26, 2006) painting and erecting screen doors and rain gutters for Full Packer Flag seamstress “Betsy Dolores”. In a phone interview, Capitanious expounded upon the virtues of the Full Packers organization. “Sometimes our attention has to turn away from the mountains and look to the community around us”. Full Packers FirstLight, Rocketman and Cosmos were noticeably absent from this community service project.

Capitanious puts on the finishing touches of his DoloresAid rain gutter project.